Sunday, June 19, 2011

Spain: Thousands of "Indignados" found voice in the streets of Madrid

Technology blog from Bangladesh

CRISIS - A week after the dismantling of the camp from the Puerta del Sol, some 40,000 people gathered ...

Against the crisis and unemployment, tens of thousands of Spaniards of all ages and all walks of life have invaded this Sunday the streets of Madrid, to cries of "crisis we do not pay," one month after the birth of the movement of "outraged" that has spread throughout the country .

The crowd came in processions from all six districts of Madrid, gathered near the parliament in the center, opposite a row of blue gates and a dozen police vans blocking the road.

"We will paralyze this country"

"Against unemployment.Organize yourself and fight.Let us march together against unemployment and capital, "proclaimed a large sign leading the way of the" column southwest "part of the morning Leganes, a bedroom community about fifteen miles south of Madrid.

"We are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers," said another banner in red letters.

The targets: the Stability Pact in the euro area and its imperatives of budgetary rigor, politicians accused of corruption and not the voice of citizens, unemployment hitting 21.29% of the workforce in Spain, almost half the age of 25.

"We must prepare for a general strike.We will paralyze this country, "said a speaker at the microphone.

35,000 to 40,000 protesters

"Banks and governments that have caused this situation should be aware that we do not agree with the measures and budget cuts, we intend to be heard, and that we will," assured the flat platform calling for demonstrations across Spain.

In the procession down the main avenue de la Castellana, Madrid crossing from north to south, protesters of all ages, families with strollers, young, unemployed and retired, came to testify of the same tired response to the crisis that is strangling the company Spanish.And hope that this sudden revolt, which surprised the country a month ago, will be heard in the political class.

Five weeks after the onset of the movement, the mobilization did not seem to wane as the crowd was estimated at tens of thousands of people.The daily El Mundo , quoting police, the figure of 35,000 to 40,000 protesters.

"We can do more"

"They call it democracy, but it is not," "crisis we do not pay," shouted the crowd in the quiet near the parliament, while dozens of police vans were parked in nearby streets .

"We can do more.All politicians are passing the buck, but they do nothing, "remarked an unemployed 36-year, Yolanda Garcia, who survives as millions of Spaniards with a few odd jobs to black.

"I think this movement can make a difference if it continues this way, and has the support of people from below," she assured.

Last Sunday, the "outrage" had dismantled their camp from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid , a symbol of this wave of protest.Enjoying broad popular support, they now want to consolidate their movement through the neighborhood assemblies and other events point.

"Something will come out of it"

"We should really take the street," said Braulio Lopez, an employee of the subway 45."We must tell them that we have had enough, politicians, big business leaders who control them.This movement will change.I will come every time something will happen. "

"I think they will eventually hear us and something out of it," launched Gloria Fernandez, a teacher of 50 years.

Other protests were planned later in the day, including Barcelona and Valencia, and in several foreign cities, including Paris, where nearly 450 "outraged" gathered .

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