Google Wave , a first attempt at social networking unlucky second Mountain View, gradually close its doors by January 31 next year. From this date, Wave will only be available for reading, that you can not send a new message. The April 30 will become permanently offline . Users, informed by e-mail, were invited to convert their files into PDF format, or migrate to other platforms such as open-source service or ApacheWave Walkaround.
Google Wave was designed to connect the e-mail accounts and instant messaging to a user with the ability to share documents. In 2010, Google had declared its intention to terminate the development of Wave, "guilty" of not being able to attract a sufficient number of users. Knol , the collaborative encyclopedia project designed by Google in 2008, will follow the same path and starting from April 30 next published content will no longer be accessible.
Authors are encouraged to regain their own content, or export them in a simplified manner on the platform Wordpress . Google has also decreed the closing "announcement" of Google Gear (a tool that allows you to take advantage of some online services like Gmail), abandoned in favor of the standard features of HTML5. Google Friend Connect , which was to allow the creation of social interactions on its site thanks to some dedicated widgets will have the same fate.