Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kindle, John Locke sell one million of eBook

Technology blog from Bangladesh

Kindle, John Locke sell one million of eBook - A million eBooks sold is a goal desired by many publishers, but hard to imagine a digital book self. A man named John Locke , however, succeeded in becoming the first author and is completely independent to have sold so much: Amazon has announced that the author has achieved the "Million Club" of Kindle.

What is certain is that the publishing market has changed with the first widespread emergence of the Internet, and then enter the market of smartphones, tablet, readers eBooks , and handheld devices in general. A constantly evolving market where, today, an author may have misunderstood great opportunities through word of mouth and a good product.

John Locke , in his sixties that the U.S. has made ​​the life insurer, has thus reached the goal of entering into a small circle of authors being part of the " Kindle Million Club "of Amazon . The peculiarity of entry is that he is the only group not to be passed by an editor and publishing his eBook Publishing Direct through the Kindle, which Amazon allows anyone to publish his work on the Kindle. It is the first author to reach an independent Larsson, Patterson, Nora Roberts, Suzanne Collins and other famous names.

In his bibliography include nine eBooks, including "Vegas Moon" "Wish List", "A Girl Like You," "Saving Rachel" and marketing manual "How I sold 1 million eBooks in 5 month", all sold to 99 cents. To achieve such a result, the author has probably relied on a very competitive price, within easy reach of all, and the same name as the famous English philosopher and one of the main characters of the television series Lost, factors that certainly helped sales.

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