Monday, June 20, 2011

Greece: Economic crisis to the Acropolis

Technology blog from Bangladesh

REPORT - For tourists visiting Athens, the current social context is important for its effects on prices ...

The Parthenon is comparable to the Eiffel Tower.Despite an already high sun, tourists flocked en masse Monday morning on the way to the famous temple at the top of the Acropolis overlooking Athens.Most of the capital is only one step in their Mediterranean cruise and then a starting point to the Greek islands.

None came by chance, but some still intend to take advantage of the consequences of the crisis experienced by the country ."Our boat has passed through Rome and Sicily, but this is where we had planned to go shopping," indicate Yassamane and Emmanuel, a young couple from Quebec.Same program for Michael and his partner, Americans also call: "Things are cheaper, we'll enjoy it more than in Italy."

"My mother told us to watch"

"We booked our trip at the last minute, the prices were very competitive (about 300 euros in resort hotel)," explains Karim for their part and Aurélie, French Rennes seeking "any trip to Europe" .A couple of Parisians, Aurelia and Adrian, also came because of the attractive price."But my mother told us to pay attention," said Aurelia, referring to the social movement in progress for several weeks in Greece.

"There's a guy on the plane who told us not to stay in Athens because of the events, but that does not deter us," says Sabrina, another French."Instead, we help them," she adds."They need the tourists, the Greek government can protect us," adds Yuan, Chinese student in Britain.

"As long as it does not affect me, I am not concerned"

Emmanuel has still found the taxi drivers to take particularly aggressive in the race."I do not know if it all the time like that, but it's normal that they are tight with the economic situation," cautions the Montrealers who therefore prefer shopping in Syntagma Square.

With his friends, Yuan was on this place together since the end of May the "unworthy" Athenian ."They came they showed us why, but we do not know the details," she says.According to his compatriot Tristan, who also met with the protesters, "they are peaceful and do not seem depressed.""It's a good way to express themselves, we can not do in China," he says.

But ultimately, it is the prevailing skepticism among tourists to the Acropolis."What is happening in Greece is a result of globalization, I am conscious, but as long as it does not affect me, I do not feel concerned," says Carrie, a young American.

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