Thursday, June 23, 2011

Windows 7 Phone: 300 eBooks for children on the Marketplace

Technology blog from Bangladesh

Windows 7 Phone: 300 eBooks for children on the Marketplace - Modern mobile phones are so popular that it is not difficult to meet the primary or secondary school students of First Instance with a smartphone in your pocket. Microsoft even want to cover a range of users even younger, but in this case with the help of their parents.

By the end of the month, the Redmond company will take on about Windows Phone Marketplace 300 eBooks for children published on the store digital TouchyBooks .

Isabel Gomez Miragaya Applications and Games for Windows Phone Manager, has stated :
The interactive books for children Touchybooks have an incredible experience that adds value to the Windows Marketplace Phone 7.

TouchyBooks, the world leader in digital books for children, has already published several successful eBook for iPhone and iPad . In addition to Windows Phone, soon will come also the application for Android and the web version in Flash format. EBooks exploit the technical features of modern devices, allowing you to place the copy and paste, hear sound effects, with a light background music and animations multitouch display.

Among the titles available, there are many classics, like Little Red Riding Hood , Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty . The books are priced between 0.99 and $ 3.99.

For Further Reading,