Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trial Galliano: 10,000 euros Ammende required against the designer

Technology blog from Bangladesh

JUSTICE - The trial of John Galliano for racial abuse will be made on September 8 ...

The former star of Dior designer John Galliano, has denied any racism and described on Wednesday made ​​its descent into hell of alcoholism and drug addiction, the court of Paris, who judged him to racial insults. The Attorney Anne Fontette requested a penalty of 10,000 euros fine, speaking of "bar fight that has been around the world" and "anti-Semitism of the counter, pitiful and appalling."

Courtroom crowded

The defense argued the acquittal on the grounds including the state alcohol of John Galliano and the alleged lack of malice. Judgement was reserved until September 8. This case occurred on February 24 in a bar in the Marais district, in the French capital, caused his downfall after fifteen years at the top. Dior dismissed him and the house that bore his own name.

Dark suit and blue tie, looking tense, flanked by a bodyguard, the British 50 years of follow a path reserved for escape of dozens of journalists and arrive in a courtroom packed two hours before the trial . Asked about the anti-Semitic slurs which shows a young Jewish woman, Geraldine Bloch, said he does not remember anything but denied being racist or anti-Semitic, referring to himself in third person. "It was an empty shell of John Galliano, they are not the sentiments of John Galliano. These are views that I have ever had, just look at my work to understand, embrace all races, all classes of people, religions, sexualities, "he said. Attributing his behavior to his addictions, he delivered an account of what he described as a descent into hell, the days of his glory.

Barbiturates, sleeping pills, valium and alcohol

"I started drinking on a cyclical basis in 2007, the House of Dior worked and I was drinking to recover each creative euphoria," he released in English, with downcast eyes. "I had two children, Dior and my own home. The workload grew steadily, quickly, "he said. The addiction has worsened when he lost his friend in 2007. "He protected me from everything. When he died, we went to the crematorium, then I immediately returned to my fitting. "

It is then passed to barbiturates and sleeping pills and valium in and then all at once with alcohol. "I had anxiety attacks, panic. Only after this happened I realized that this mixture was mortal. " John Galliano said he had to follow a detox for two months in the United States, followed by another in Switzerland and he was still under treatment.

"It was a litany of insults of all kinds"

The complainant then told the bar that John Galliano, sitting with him in the cafe La Perle, had insulted without reason for 45 minutes on his clothes, his physique, his Jewishness. "It was a litany of insults of all kinds. At one point, he told me he was someone important and that I had released from its territory, "she said. The designer would have used it as a vast array of swear words including anti-Semitic slurs. Britain's theory incurs a penalty of up to six months imprisonment and 22,500 euros fine, but case law provides for fines rather simple. A total of three people, supported by several associations, accusing John Galliano insults: Geraldine Bloch and his friend, an Asian who also claims he suffered racist abuse and another person who said it had suffered the same fate one night of October 2010 in the same place. A video posted on the internet which can be seen in a bar say he loves Hitler and abuse another interlocutor, for which it is not considered, was shown at trial. Asked about those comments, John Galliano blew "I can not answer for this man I do not know."

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