Monday, June 20, 2011

Poisoning burgers: meat vendors worried about their sales

Technology blog from Bangladesh

A single cast through the flag of meat Rungis: Avoid the "amalgam" and "runaway" in Lille after hospitalization of children who consumed frozen burgers , probably contaminated with E. coli.

Fresh Meat

"Here, the meat is cool, controlled and labeled.Everything is done in accordance with the precautionary principle but we can not do anything against the surge, "notes Guy Eschalier, a leading figure of the building continuously immersed in the freezing cold and filled with meat carcasses wisely aligned.

Shaken at the time by mad cow or foot and mouth disease, the meat packers of the largest market in the world today that this new hammer alert has no objective reason to affect their business.But all know that food crises are partly irrational.

"The problem is the effect of amalgam," Analysis Francisco Ochoa, head of the company Fory Meat, which has a sharp tongue against the "media"."The way the information was presented gave the impression that all the meat was dangerous.It can be devastating, "he said.

Sales cucumber

The growers know something about. wrongly Mis en cause a series of deaths in Germany, cucumber saw its sales fall overnight from 80% to Rungis."It has also affected the zucchini that have the misfortune to look like the cucumber," says David Bourganel, marketing director of Semmaris, the company that manages the Rungis market.

Hazardous communication in the crisis of the cucumber, however, did not recur in the episode Lille.The ground beef in question, which passed through a storage of frozen products in Rungis, were quickly identified and removed from sale.

"The tracking system worked perfectly.The meat industry has learned a lot, "says David Bourganel.

The issue is sensitive.At Rungis, as elsewhere, health shocks can pay cash in the food sector and the memory of past crises has not yet faded.

Mad Cow

"It is true that with mad cow, it was still good derusted," recalls Michel Leboeuf, director of the company Sovia.The fall of activity had reached 60% in some wholesalers.

Nothing like now for dealers in meat that could even benefit from the E. Coli."Consumers trust their small neighborhood butcher and could turn more towards fresh meat and frozen away from the" Michel Leboeuf hopes.

Meanwhile, this new fever around food security professionals think that the illusion of "zero risk".

"We can do all possible controls, there will always be accidents.But given the thousands of tons of meat consumed in France every day, it shows we are on top of food security "ahead Francisco Ochoa.

Semmaris side, we see first in the episode Lille confirmation that "food can not be low cost.""These moments remind us that anything can happen and that means investing in food security even if it has a cost," said David Bourganel."We can not save on it."

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