Saturday, June 18, 2011

IMF: To Augustin Carstens Lagarde's appointment to the IMF would have a "conflict of interest"

Technology blog from Bangladesh

WORLD - He wants to challenge the domination of Europe on the European ...

"There may be conflict of interest" between the International Monetary Fund and the European Union if the French Minister of Economy Christine Lagarde , took the head of the institution .At least that's said Monday his rival Mexican Agustin Carstens.

The IMF "should be legitimate in the sense that fairness prevails between Member States, where there is no favor to some regions and countries where the representation is well balanced," said the Governor of the Bank of Mexico at a conference in Washington.

Stop the hegemony of American-European

Augustin Carstens argued against the perpetuation of the domination of Europe on the job, which lasts since 1946, noting that "since at least 2005," it was agreed that ending the agreement between the United States and Europe to share the posts of President of the World Bank and IMF Managing Director.

"I also think that there might be a conflict of interest" between the EU and the IMF, he argued.

The dominance of borrowers

"We would have a situation where borrowers dominate a creditor institution.I think this is a problem that must be addressed, "he said.European countries, including Greece, Ireland and Portugal, are now by far the largest borrowers from the IMF.

Augustin Carstens has declared rival for the position of Managing Director of the Christine Lagarde and the Governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer.The IMF expects to appoint the successor to the French Dominique Strauss-Kahn later this month.

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