Saturday, June 18, 2011

Carrefour fined more than 3 million for non-compliance with minimum wage: the keys to understanding

Technology blog from Bangladesh

ECO - Carrefour will appeal the decision ...

The judicial proceedings are connected between Carrefour since 2008 and unions, but will do cete decision date. The police court of Evry Tuesday condemned the large retailers to sign a record fine of 3.66 million euros non-compliance with the minimum wage.Carrefour has decided to appeal.

Why did it justice sentenced Carrefour?

Carrefour Hypermarket was convicted of "payment by an employer to pay below the minimum guaranteed monthly."

Specifically, management did not take into account the dwell time in the calculation of the monthly salary to the level of minimum wage.A study by the Labour Inspectorate has assessed the shortfall of 4.53 euros to 45.148 euros per month, according to the categories of employees.

Twelve stores are involved in the Essonne, Seine-et-Marne, Gard, Bouches-du-Rhone, Alpes-Maritimes and the Rhone.A release was issued in case the store Uzès (Gard).

How much are fines?

Carrefour will have to pay 2,000 euros to nearly 1,200 employees.The number of fines was determined store by store, depending on the number of injured parties.

The group was also ordered to pay between 10,000 and 15,000 euros fine for each of the federations that filed the complaint, and between 300 and 1,000 euros for each of the ten employees who filed complaints independently.

What is the reaction of Carrefour?

Carrefour does not plan to stop there."We will appeal," responded Wednesday on RTL HRD Group, Jean-Luc Masset .For "all employees of Carrefour collects an annual fee that is above the minimum wage," he said.

Management has told AFP on Tuesday that between profit-sharing, profit sharing, payment of a mutual and discount prices, employees earned more than minimum wage on all of the years.

She cited the example of a cashier who earns well "1,612 euros over year" or "18% more than the minimum wage."

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