final cut pro x release date Review Price - By distributing a press release, Apple will officially confirm the release date of Final Cut Pro X , the latest version of the software dedicated to the professional video editing, that compared to previous editions introduces a series of improvements. First and foremost, the Magnetic Timeline , which allows you to immediately and effectively manage any clip, rearranging at will without worrying about the changes on the position of the other.
Final Cut P
ro X Review Features
With Connections Clips , Final Cut Pro X allows you to combine audio clips movies or titles, so as not to lose synchronization after acting on a single file, or combine all within a compound clip , to be treated like only one element. With Auditions In addition, the software allows you to compare the different shots in real time, so choose the most suitable for mounting with a glance.
Still, the program can automatically add identification tags during the process of importing content, using the new feature called Auto-Content Analysis . In this way the search within their library will be easier, thanks to the grouping of the material by shot or number of people shooting.
Final Cut Pro X Price
Finally, it should be noted that Final Cut Pro X has been optimized to take advantage of the ' 64-bit architecture of the hardware of Cupertino. The download is available directly on the pages of the Mac App Store , against an outlay expected to 239.99 euros, with two tools for audio editing and color correction, motion 5 and 4 compressor , both bought at the price of 39.99 euros.
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