Thursday, June 23, 2011

Afghanistan: Why France follows the United States

Technology blog from Bangladesh

"In together, out together". Just hours after Barack Obama announced the start of the withdrawal of U.S. forces in Afghanistan , the Elysee Palace said Wednesday that France "will initiate a withdrawal of reinforcements progessive (...) proportionately and in a calendar comparable to taking "American.

In fact, one quarter of the French forces, not third as it is for Americans will be affected by this withdrawal, which will result in a transfer of responsibilities to the Afghan National Army (ANA). A return home because the job was done or because the scene is revealed too deadly?

For the government and the General Staff, is obviously the first hypothesis is put forward. "The elimination of bin Laden, that has changed the situation," said Defence Minister, Gerard Longuet, who added that France "will probably earn a good year" on the original schedule, which included the end the transition process in 2014.

A strategic break

"The beginning of the withdrawal is neither a victory nor a defeat, it is a break with an escalation process that is neither managed to establish an acceptable power in Kabul nor a satisfactory security situation," says General Vincent Desportes. Now up to political negotiations, especially with the Taliban. "Security has improved in the country, especially in the Surobi district where the incidents are sporadic," argued the contrary, the General Staff. It is in this relatively peaceful, east of Kabul, the transfer of security at the ANA should be done at the end of the year.

"The situation in Kapisa is however very difficult. It is clear that domestic policy goals influence the business strategy, "says General Desportes, referring to the presidential election. "It recreates early withdrawal from the strategic freedom, he says. This reconciles the decline of our military budget with our real capacity for action. "


A sense of disappointment prevails in the army, entrusting internal sources. The already tense security situation in the province of Kapisa not improve easily with the withdrawal began.

Especially since his departure, given its scale, necessarily affect combat units. As for Surobi, the risk is that it is recaptured by the insurgents. "As soon as you loose a zone, and resumed," sighs an officer.

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