Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sega Victim Of A Cyber Attack

Technology blog from Bangladesh

Sega Victim Of A Cyber Attack - After Sony, it's the turn of SEGA. Japanese company, specializes in making games for consoles and PC, Sega has suffered a cyber attack through the Internet site of its European subsidiary (London).Hackers have stolen the sensitive user data. The company relies on an outside service to handle online payments relating to its securities, and it would seem that this last has been the gateway access for hackers.

From the press release from SEGA, the cyber attack would have violated the sensitive user data such as names, dates of birth and encrypted passwords of customers (but not credit card numbers).The hacking took place in operation a few weeks away from the attack turned to Sony , another electronics giant, which has had to manage a multi-critical situational its platforms, from the PlayStation Network in Qriocity. The last attack was recorded June 4, operated by a group of hackers, known as the Security lulz.

SAW, with a press release, presented his "apologies for any inconvenience caused to its customers for this incident."Meanwhile, the Japanese company has launched an investigation to understand how hackers are able to penetrate into his system.

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