Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to do Mediterranean diet Plan

Technology blog from Bangladesh

How to do Mediterranean diet Plan - The Mediterranean diet or "Cretan" (reference to the traditional diet of the Greek islands of Crete and Corfu), for weight loss can average balance its supply and provides a large amount of nutritious unprocessed and therefore good for health.

As early as 50, Ancel Keys, known for his research on the relationship between nutrition and cardiovascular disease, demonstrates that despite a high dietary intake of fat and a health care relatively crude, the islanders Crete, Corfu and southern Italy have an excellent life expectancy, in addition to having a cardiovascular disease rates very low.

The Mediterranean diet is similar to a semi-vegetarian diet that consists mainly of olive oil, green vegetables, fruits, fish, starchy foods and whole grains and a little white meat. Red meat and dairy products, however, are virtually nonexistent.

The Mediterranean diet could reduce risk of heart disease, reduce cognitive impairment and improve the physical condition of the elderly. However, he may be accused of being low in calcium. Tip: Enrich your diet with dairy products per 2 day.
And you, would you be ready to adopt the plan "Mediterranean" diet this summer? 

For Further Reading,