Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Diary of Ernesto Che Guevara Review

Technology blog from Bangladesh

The Diary of Ernesto Che Guevara, written during the campaign in the Sierra Maestra, before the 1959 Cuban revolution, to be published for the first time Tuesday, June 14 in Cuba, said Monday the publishers. Diary of a fighter collects, according to the back cover, 'unique moments of the armed struggle in Cuba since the arrival of the yacht Granma' December 2, 1956 on the revolutionary side with 82 on board, until the triumph of the revolution led by Fidel Castro.
'The human testimony of great value that emerges from his reading can approach the perceptions of the reality of Che on the island, its culture, identity and political context', says the blurb of the book published by the house Australian-Ocean Press Ocean Sur. This has worked hand in hand with the Che Guevara Studies Center headed by the widow of the guerrilla, Aleida March.

Are you a fan of Guevara and want to collect this Diary of Ernesto Che Guevara ? continue reading ...
Born in Rosario, Argentina, June 14, 1928, Che met Fidel Castro in Mexico in 1986 and became part of the crew of the Granma, the party of Mexico to the revolution. He was the first commander of the group promoted by Fidel Castro, before taking up his government as Minister of Industry and Chairman of the National Bank.
In 1960, Che had published a manual, the guerrilla war, and in 1963, Passages from the Revolutionary War, on his experience in the Sierra Maestra. In 1965, he left Cuba for the Belgian Congo, then returned to the island before leaving for Bolivia, where he was executed October 9, 1967 by a military one day after his arrest. Che was buried in Cuba. I hope the Diary of Ernesto Che Guevara summary here can help you. 

For Further Reading,